Sunday 24 June 2012

Q:  So how long does it really take to make something sweet, indulgent and delicious?  

A:  Just as much time as it would take to go to the local DQ or Bakery and get back home again.  Except, doing it yourself and choosing something more healthy doesn't give you the guilt afterwards and gives you empowerment and satisfaction! 

This week...
Today was weigh in, and I confessed to nearly eating a dozen chocolate zucchini cupcakes, low fat mind you, but ACK!  2 pounds up!  Or could it have been the Teen Burger? - DOH!  So, I was sitting there and I had this epiphany, what about creating small batches of dessert that only yielded 4-6 of that said delicious morsel?  Hmm, well it would solve my problem of the darn dozen cupcakes calling to my from the kitchen counter or the freezer!  

So here's the thing, since joining Weight Watchers I'm a huge advocate for doing what is good for your body (okay, excuse the Teen Burger - I was sick and it so wasn't worth it) but I love the fact that you can control what goes in your mouth if you just read the Nutritional Labels.  I'm all about Low Fat, and not so much about the Calories, but I do believe they do have to be in moderation also.  I don't call myself "Carb Barb" for nothing!  I wouldn't dare have a Starbuck's Frappuchino now, but I could make something just as good at home in the blender super simple and super delicious!

So here I go, stay tuned for my experiments, concoctions, kitchen tribulations and adventures.  Got something to share, I'd gladly post it and share it around!  Just let me know!

Have a Great Day!

Little Green Earthling

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